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Automated Arrester Test System


This project has been achieved for Raycap, SA; a manufacture of surge arresters and others,  in Drama, Greece in 2006. A compound integration between hardware and software has been employed. This system was meant to perform:

- Impulse test on MOV at production line level and at research level, including synchronization and
  high current testing.

- Low current AC and DC test at production line level and at research level.


Natural phenomena as lightning and power irregularities delivered from power utilities are responsible for power failures and possible damage to sensitive electronic equipment. Surge arresters should withstand an instant high surge energy and multiple lightning and power surge events. Automated Arrestor Test System; is an automated system deployed to test surge arrestors. Arrester testing is required to insure that arrestors will operate as proposed under critical conditions.

Impulse test is performed on three capacitor bank levels: 8/20µs, 2ms and 10/350µs. For example,  consider unit under test to be a Strikesorb-80. This includes a single MOV disk of 80 mm diameter and provides protection from surges up to 200KA (8/20µs). This is the maximum surge current (8/20µs waveform), as specified in IEEE C62.41-1 and NEMA LS-1, that the surge suppression module can withstand without damage or deterioration of its performance. So, when the rated voltage is applied to unit under test, the output voltage and current detected between the MOV’s terminals should draw the 8/20µs waveform. Otherwise, the MOV proves improper operation and expected defects.

On contrary to impulse test, Low current AC and DC tests the reference voltage at operating conditions. The layout is divided to two parts, a supply input before UUT and measurement part after it.


Impulse Test
The main hardware structure involved is high voltage DC Power Supply, Capacitor Banks, Switching panel, Spark Gap, Turn Table and Control Cabinet.

- Production Level
Units under test are placed on turn table and charged to its required testing voltage through the power supply, 8/20µs or 2ms capacitor banks and switching circuit. As required voltage is reached, appropriate switches open and close so that charged power is discharged in the UUT between two claming pistons where output voltage and current measurements are taken and waveform is drawn. Note that whole system is controlled through software, controllers, control cabinets, sensors, PLCs, all working in harmony to perform the right job at right time. Switches are placed on switching panel due to a certain design where each has a safety margin  that shouldn't intersect with another closed switch.

- Research Level
This test at this stage is done occasionally for research purposes. The three capacitor banks and the 200 KA switch is involved while turn table and pistons aren't. The 8/20µs, 10/350µs capacitor banks and spark gap are involved in synchronous test. The impulse test is achieved as stated before but via a different supply, switching circuit.

Synchronous test required a different hardware and procedure.
This test is as if a combination between AC and impulse test. When this type of test is started by software, the PC and the controller can do the job. The user should choose the phase at which the trigger should occur from the phase selector knob on the impulse console. The phase selector knob is connected to a phase detector. First the capacitor bank is charged via power supplies and appropriate switches. When done, the Spark Gap switch is enabled. Simultaneously, a variac  connected to a step up transformer is activated to give the appropriate voltage. Voltage is ramped up manually to the desired level. The low voltage output is fed into the phase detector while the output of the step up transformer is fed to the UUT, with manual connection . Simultaneously, the ASD controller connected to the phase detector enables it for trigger. A high volt signal produced at the selected phase ionizes the medium around the Spark Gap Switch to produce the spark.  Now the circuit is fully connected and the charged voltage will discharge in the UUT. Measurements are taken through voltage probes connected to UUT.

Low Current AC/DC Test
This test is initiated by software after the impulse test as UUT are placed on turn table. As the piston clamps the UUT, PC activates the AC or DC  power supply and ramp up the voltage to the required level.  A voltage divider and shunt connected to the UUT, detect the voltage and current measurements respectively. These measurements are fed to a signal conditioner to enhance the signal, then to the PC via DAQ card. The software draws a graph for the detected voltage and current for both AC and DC tests.


Control Cabinet Components

The whole system involves various number of hardware components but we'll here by introduce the main control cabinet hardware.
- Oscilloscope
- 50KV DC Power Supply
- 100KV DC Power Supply
- 10KV DC Power Supply
- AC Power Supply
- ASD Controller
- ASD Phase Detector
- Trigger Generator
- Industrial PC
- 17 inch monitor

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