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Power Consumption Management - PCM


Input Voltage Range


Nominal 165V to 250V (phase to neutral), at 45-55 Hz


Maximum Current Rating (PM2)


Short time over-current - 20 times the Imax for 0.5 sec.




Class 1% (IEC 61036)




Local: Measurement Modules to RTU via power lines at 600 bps baud rate (EN50065-1)
Remote: RTU to Control Center via 33.6 kbps telephone line modem


Time Keeping (Real Time Clock-RTU)


Accuracy (internal) +30 sec/year
Backup time - 2 years without power
Backup type - lithium battery


Data Storage


Flash memory with 10 seconds storage period (from different modules)


Gateway Configurations


Number of measurement modules: up to 40 modules\

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