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Measurement and Storage Unit - MSU


Power measurement and Storage Unit (MSU), is a programmable three phase electronic meter used to measure the outgoing energy from MV feeders’ switch gears in the main substation. It is capable of measuring and storing data in a non volatile flash memory at adjustable time intervals, varying from 1 to 60 minutes. MSU is designed by ASD to serve the substations automated information system for remote metering. This system aims at enhancing reading accuracy, energy monitoring and billing process; as well as, revenue, collections and cash flow.

The meter has two operation modes: local data retrieval and remote data retrieval. During remote data retrieval, the MSU displays “REMOTE MODE" and disables all manual functions. The data can be retrieved by the substation PC or by the main control center PC and stored in an access database accessible by the standard software packages.

The meter may be read either visually, or by telemetry via laptop interface or via the RS 485 network that connects the meter to the local substation PC. All configuration parameters could be set either manually or remotely from a laptop (via RS 232 or an optical port), or a PC (via RS 485). The user can set up the meter ID, update interval, scaling factor, date and time.

On the other hand, in the normal operation (local mode), you can have direct control over the meter’s functions using the front panel keypad and LCD. The total functions that are displayed on the LCD as you surf deeper are as such:

Active energy (KWH)
Reactive energy (KVarH)
Maximum Apparent power (KVA max) reached every month with the date and the time of the measured value
Maximum Active power (KW max) reached every month with the date and the time of the measured value
Maximum Reactive power (KVar max) reached every month with the date and the time of the measured value
Maximum and minimum cosØ reached every month with the date and the time of the measured value
Instantaneous RMS voltage per phase
Instantaneous RMS current per phase
Instantaneous active power
Instantaneous reactive power
Instantaneous apparent power
Instantaneous cosØ
Power transmit direction (import/export)


Safety Features


MSU controls the proper operation of memories, electronic circuits, display, failure of voltage or current circuits and battery replacement. It shows a code error in case of failure of one of them. The user can check the meter status for errors/faults any time. The presence of a lithium coin battery allows the meter to back up some setup parameters and measurements in case of power failure; as meter number, date, time, update interval, active & reactive energy counters, max & min power, PF……….
The meter is also equipped with four LEDs indicating the progress of operations: communication, sampling, supplied power and occurring faults.

System Architecture

All the data gathered from MSUs by the substations’ PCs shall reach the main control center PC through the public switched telephone network or via GSM communication.


Upon your request, ASD can also customize your existing diagnostic system or automate any outdated system.

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