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Frequency Variable Series Resonant Test System | HV Equipment Test


Agea-kull a Swiss manufacturer of high voltage and high current test equipment has developed a frequency variable series resonant test system used for high voltage applications testing.

It is modular constructed and especially designed for the on-site testing. Transport, control
containers and proper housing are available to enable transportation.

  For further details and info.
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Series Resonant HV Equipment Test Set


The system is mainly used for on-site dielectric and diagnosis tests of capacitive line equipment as:

- GIS/GIL/Switchgear Arrangements
- Power Cables
- Power Transformers

Frequency is adjustable between 15Hz and 250Hz. The testing can be accompanied by partial discharge measurement. Discharges can cause high transient impulses. In case of transformer testing, a suitable selection of the system inductance allows testing of typical winding capacitances (8nF to 12nF) with frequencies between 45Hz and 65Hz.

The design components of the test system are :

- Reactor Coils
- Exciting Transformer
- Frequency Converter
- Control Unit / Voltage Measurement
- Transport Frames

You may also check RTS-Cable and RTS-GIS/GIL.


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