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Current Impulse Generator


Impulse generator is an electrical apparatus which produces very short high-voltage or high-current surges. Such devices can be classified into two types: impulse voltage generators and impulse current generators. High impulse voltages are used to test the strength of electric power equipment against lightning and switching surges. Also, steep-front impulse voltages are sometimes used in nuclear physics experiments. High impulse currents are needed not only for tests on equipment such as lightning arresters and fuses but also for several other technical applications such as lasers, thermonuclear fusion, and plasma devices.



ASD developed a high current impulse generator which was implemented in an automated arrestor test system, at  Raycap, SA in 2006; a manufacture of surge arrestors and others,  in Drama, Greece. The generated impulse could reach 200KA.

One of the functions that the arrestor test system achieves, is an Impulse test on MOV at production line level and at research level, including synchronization and high current testing. The required high current impulse is generated through a set of parallel capacitors charged by a high voltage, low direct current source and discharged through resistances, inductances, unit under test by a spark gap. A well designed switching circuit allows the open & close of appropriate switches so that capacitor banks can be charged and discharged at right time. The system is accompanied with a reliable software that communicates with PLC and controller to control the hardware functions. Check Automated Arrester Test System for further details.

The impulse generator utilizes three capacitor bank levels: 8/20µs, 2ms and 10/350µs due to the application requirements. This product can be customized and redesigned due to other client's applications requirements.

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check snapshots of capacitor banks and switching panel.



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