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Substation Inspection and Maintenance Software - SIM


At a time of increased competition between energy markets, utilities are forced to rethink their traditional business strategies. The challenge for the operators is to achieve optimized availability of resources, enhance service to customers and reduce overall operation and maintenance costs. To this end, ASD provides a solution to save labor time and cost while performing the most important substations’ tasks. SIM is a web software that serves as a substation preventive maintenance and audit software which helps early detection of substations’ equipment degradation and other defects which will adversely affect reliability.

Along with the technological leap of smart devices, ASD upgraded SIM to be applicable on Ipads and tabs easily and flexibly. SIM is under continuous upgrade to meet further client needs or upcoming technologies.



The software provides the following functions and features.
Data Entry

- Generate own data entry forms for substations and substations' equipment.
- Add/ Edit/ Delete data to/from database for substations, substations' equipment and inspectors
- Fetch and list equipment in system or in stock.

Generate Inspection Form

- Generate up to three inspection forms of substations' equipment.
· Define field name, type, condition, description, priority, category, and multiplier.
· Add/ Edit/ Delete fields of generated inspection forms.


- Add / Edit inspections for any of the generated inspection forms of any equipment.
- Define failure codes for abnormal results



- Check work orders for abnormal and false regular inspection results.
- Generate preventive maintenance work orders.
- Create / Edit schedule for regular and preventive work orders to be accomplished defining 
   the maintenance date.
- Track regular and preventive work orders for equipment & sub equipment
- Check Gas Analysis Output


Fluid and Gas Analysis

- Check for disturbances in the levels of substations transformers’ fluids and gazes.
- Add/ Edit/ Delete to fluid and gas analysis forms.
 . This analysis shall form the trend analysis of gazes and fluids.

Single Line Diagram

- Draw / View the single line diagram of a selected substation utilizing the substation's
  equipment defined in database.

Line Equipment

- Add/ Edit / Delete data for Reclosers
- Search reports for reclosers
- The above function can be added for oil switches, vacuum switches and regulators.

Protection Relays

- Define data, primary / secondary ratings and its trip settings for:
  Voltage, Current and Grounding Protection Relays

Transformer Tests

- Add results outputs of a selected transformer for :
  Resistance Test, Ratio Test and Power Factor Test

Protection Relay Tests

- Add / Edit test results for:
  Voltage, Current and Grounding Protection Relays


- Generate data entry reports for substations, substations' equipment.
- Generate a total summary inspection report for a substation in a selected month.
- Generate three inspection reports for each equipment.
- Generate three historic inspection reports for each equipment
- Generate counter reading report
- Generate maintenance reports (Work orders, Schedules & Work order History).
- Generate fluid & gas analysis reports.
- Generate a Failure Code report
- Generate Test Data report for: Resistance, Ratio, PF tests and Voltage, current, grounding
  protection relays tests
- View / Print all generated reports in PDF and excel format.
- View / Print trend analysis of transformers’ gas and fluid analysis.


- Set the Company Information and Logo which forms the header of all reports.
- Select the fields that should appear in the data entry report of each equipment.
- Select the fields, for each of the generated inspection forms of equipments, that should
   appear in inspection and historic inspection reports.
- Define Dissolved Gas Analysis Limits
- Define Email addresses for responsible people of regular and preventive maintenance
- Define Holidays so that to skip while creating work order schedules

WO Reminder

- Sent a reminder email about due regular and preventive work orders to the responsible    


The Substation inspection and maintenance software can be linked upon request to a mapping system which in turn can be bought individually. The combination results in a whole power network management system. The mapping software displays the main utility network components on the corresponding country’s map taking notice of GPS coordinates and surrounding conditions. The software reveals on the interactive map any changes detected in the database and permits accessing the database from the map.

To check this software and learn more about its operation, please click here. Mapping System

Upon your request, ASD can also customize your existing diagnostic system or automate any outdated system

  ©2014 ASD. All rights reserved Designed and Developed by ASD