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Power Consumption Management  -  PCM


Monitoring residential and industrial power consumption on a large scale can be an overwhelming task that stresses the exposure of hidden power leakages. An automated system that monitors all major appliances in residences or offices is required. Such system should be capable of recalling consumption history of each appliance, and transmitting it to some central control station (CCS), equipped with the necessary tools to receive and analyze this data.

Relying on extensive experience with energy auditing and monitoring projects, ASD developed its own line of hardware and software power consumption monitoring products. Integrating these tools together, ASD provides a fully functional Power Consumption Management (PCM) scheme. The PCM system uses a detailed data capture method from the main power line to the house and multiple data points inside the house.




The system’s functionality depends mainly on the combined operation of multiple measurement modules. These modules communicate locally with a remote terminal unit - gateway (RTU); through the power lines at a baud rate of 600bps (EN50065-1), or via radio frequency for wireless communication. Data transfer between the RTU -Gateway and the remote CCS occurs through the telephone line modem with rate of 33.6Kbps. This remote communication occurs on daily basis through an automatic dial –up procedure. We note that all modules are enclosed in similar black boxes.


▪ PM 2-100 Module


The ASD’s PM 2-100 is a light portable device that monitors single phase appliances. This micro-controller driven device measures Kilowatt and Kilowatt-Hour at accuracy of 1% based on IEC 61036standard. Each PM 2 unit reports to the RTU at regular adjustable time intervals. Accumulated watt-hour is stored in an internal EEPROM every one minute as a backup in case of power failure.

PM 2 units are available as measurement units or as measurement and control units. The user can form a computerized schedule to manage the appliances’ operations. As the schedule runs, the RTU sends the commands to the PM2 units controlling the operation of each appliance.

▪ Voltage Measurement Module


This Module measures true RMS voltage with an accuracy of 1% and reports data to the RTU-Gateway.
It differentiates continuously between the locally generated power and that provided by utility.

▪ Temperature and Humidity Module  

This includes a temperature and humidity sensor. The temperature sensor measures temperature between -3°C to 60°C with an accuracy of +/-3%. The humidity sensor detects humidity between 10 and 95% with an accuracy of +/-5%.Similar to previous modules; local communication is available via power lines.

▪ Three Phase Measurement And Control Unit  

Taking all details into consideration, ASD designed another light portable device to monitor appliances with three phase mode. As PM2-100, this unit is applicable to residential & industrial areas. It’s also available as a measurement unit or as a measurement and control unit. The unit interacts with the whole system exactly as PM2 units. It communicates locally with RTU and remotely with CCS via the same links and specifications.

▪ Control Unit (optional)  

ASD introduces a sole control unit that handles the operation of single or three phase appliances according to a user defined schedule. This schedule evokes the RTU to give the appropriate orders to the control unit. This unit is required for applications where no measurement is needed.

▪ Telephone Line Module (optional)  

ASD continues providing further flexibility to the system by introducing this module. Such module is the exact solution to those who suffer scary telephone bills. The PC sends a user specified duration to the module passing through the communication unit and power lines. Whenever a phone call exceeds the agreed duration, the module directly cuts the Phone line terminating the call.


ASD’s PCM software is a windows based tool that manages the configuration and analysis of multiple data. It can monitor as many residential, office and industrial setups by accessing the different RTU-gateway addresses, in addition to online monitoring options for all devices and appliances. The software provides pre-programmed alarms for equipment failures, tempering with the measurement devices and modules.


On the control panel, two different locations can be monitored and plotted on-line. Any one of these locations can be changed using a provided drop-down list box, and the relevant data will be displayed on the graphs in the appropriate color key. A graph at the bottom is used to compare similar appliances in two locations. The software will store a comprehensive file on the residence being monitored, complete with locations, area, number of residents, insulation, utility tariff information, utility transformer ID, meter information, and much more.

▪ Graphical Analysis

The operator can delve into the specifics of which devices are available, and monitor the consumption of each one individually. A status bar indicates all incoming communication from the collection of RTU-Gateway. A schematic drawing of the home being monitored can also indicate the location of each of the appliances in the home. A graphical analysis package is provided to make visual sense of the numeric data. The operator can choose to compare and contrast the consumption of different appliances within the home, over a given period of time, as seen in the pie chart (right). Another useful plot is the total consumption for that particular home over a given period of time. This can be a day, a week, a month, or even a whole year’s worth of online energy consumption data.


ASD can customize its systems upon request. Another mode of PCM operation is introduced; where the operation of RTU is omitted. PM2 units communicate locally with a communication module through power lines at a baud rate of 1.2kbps (EN50065-1).The user’s PC reads from units according to a user defined schedule. The communication module transfers schedules to the corresponding units. Data transfer between the communication module and the remote CCS occurs through the telephone line modem with rate of 33.6Kbps.

Upon your request, ASD can also customize your existing diagnostic system or automate any outdated system.

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